Sunday, March 25, 2018

So Much to Share....

What a busy time of year it has been!  Science Fair, snow days, Sticks and Stones, snow days, snow days and snow days!  Hopefully, Spring is arriving and soon we will see the signs of the flowers starting to bloom. 

Let's start with the Science Fair!  OUTSTANDING!  The students did such a great job!  For many, this is their first experience with an At-home project that is very detailed and that they will be presenting to more than just their peers.  This is our second year having the Science Fair and it is one of my favorite things.  It really shows how much time and effort each student puts into their experiment. We are really happy to say we have 100% participation.  And while many may not "win" with the judges, they certainly win with me.  

Here are some highlights!

The anticipation of everyone arriving!

Next is the Sticks and Stones Kindness Project!  WOW!  Again I was taken back by my class and how well they worked together and that goes all of the 6th-grade classes!  It was so awesome to see the whole show come together and each classrooms contribution.  I was lucky enough to work with Skip many years ago and when I saw his new venture I thought that this would be great for our school since our focus is Kindness. I really had no idea how awesome it would be.  
Admittedly at first, my class was not excited about the performance and many came up to my desk to do a little complaining.  "I don't want to perform" "I don't think I can make it to the Parent show",  My words were, "Just see what it is before you make a judgment."   Off we went to our first rehearsal... and when we returned all of a sudden chatter, laughter and excitement filled the room.  Plans got moved around and the kids were excited about the performance.  Every day they were asking, "When is Sticks and Stones today?"  And then PERFORMANCE DAY!  And they blew it away!  The performance wasn't the only thing they took away from this though.  We had a recap after our school performance to just hear what they thought and learned from this experience.  Words students used to describe how they felt: Proud, confident, perseverance, happy, and working together.  It was hard not to get teary listening to them.  ( I do get teary pretty easily though)  :)   I really feel that this is something they will carry with them and will remember to show kindness to others.  I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did and continue to share the message. KINDNESS!  

The message during rehearsal

I hope this video works for you.  

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Science Fair Update

The Science Fair is rescheduled for Friday, March 16.
Our team will be at 10:15-12:15 (Burns/Economos, Boyle, and Stewart)

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Science Fair

Just a reminder that the Science Fair Poster is due Wednesday, March 7
 and the 
Science Fair will be held Friday, March 9 in the gym.   
Our teams time is 10:45-12:15  
(Burns/Economos, Boyle, and Stewart-homerooms)

I'm sure everyone is working hard and getting excited about our day!  
Good Luck!  

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fossil Assessment: 
Thursday, January 11
(moved from Wednesday, January 10)  
Please look in our Google Classroom for a Study Guide and more information