Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Life is good!

Welcome back to school! 
I'm not sure how many have participated in the Community Read of the book,  Life is Good
The Book by Bert and John Jacobs, but I do recommend it!  What I found, as I start another school year, was that it offered great reminders of why I'm here.
The book highlights 10 Super Powers. 
These Super Powers are great reminders of slowing down and capturing the moments. 
The first of these Super Powers is OPENNESS.  
This is a great way to begin the school year, 
Being OPEN to the possibilities of what's to come.
That's really what's so great about a new school year, everything is just that, it's NEW!
New students enter their new classroom with their new teacher and new classmates! 
It's NEW to everyone! 
This allows us the OPEN possibilities of what we can do in the next 10 months. 
Here are some strategies mentioned in the book of how to stay open:
Follow the Leader-Listen to others ideas
Say "Yes, and"-this creates an open invitation to take chances
Think of everything as a once in a lifetime experience-changing up your routine and surroundings gives way to thinking with a new perspective. 
Remember to ENJOY THE RIDE