Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Best Day in a Classroom!

The day before February vacation we had the very best day in the classroom!  
A teacher's dream!
What does a teacher dream about?
It's one of those days that things just fall into place, no interruptions, the kids are paying attention, no one is staring out the window daydreaming of sunny warm days,  hands are going up to answer questions, to ask questions, to make a statement!  
The BIG A-Ha moment!  
It was one of those kind of days.
Are you wondering what we did? 
We conducted a Socratic Seminar.
I had been hearing about other teachers having students participate in these conversations where they delved deeper into the text they were reading, they asked questions, clarified, and had deep meaningful conversations about their reading. And the biggest was all student driven. I sat back and listen and I didn't say a word.  
All of this happening in one class session...I couldn't believe it. I had to see it with my own eyes. So I did.  I observed another 6th grade classroom that would be holding a Socratic Seminar that morning. 
I was amazed!  I couldn't wait to try it out!
I prepped and researched the best ways to bring this into my classroom and then I jumped in with two feet and my eyes wide open!
And the students blew me away!  

Students prepare with their literature group before the Socratic Seminar
Their conversation was thoughtful and just amazing.
Their discussion of essential questions based on their reading was out of this world!
I could go on and on but you can see it for yourself!

Take a look! Students discuss reading 
The Watson's Go to Birmingham-1963
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Up and ATOM!

Atoms, Atoms, Atoms... they're everywhere!!

During our PD day in January, I was lucky enough to be able to collaborate with Ms. Strobl from Proctor School in Topsfield.  She shared this great project she does during her Physical Science Unit and how her students get to know the elements of the Periodic Table, so we tried it too!

We started the project researching our assigned element learning about the atomic number, protons, neutrons, and electrons of the atom. Students also discovered where these elements are found in everyday items!

How do you know how many protons an atom has? 
What does the atomic mass of an atom tell you? 

After students completed their research and created a poster, they got to work on their 
3-D model of the element. 

Some of the finished posters of the Periodic Table in our classroom!

 The element models hang from my classroom ceiling! It really makes the place shine!

 What element is this? 

 How about this one?

 Or this one? 

Want to learn the elements of the Periodic Table?:  Check out this link!

SC5.7Give basic examples of elements and compounds.
SC5.5Recognize that there are more than 100 elements that combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving things that we encounter.

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